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Read the latest updates from Skills Development Scotland. Explore stories by selecting the categories to filter.

CCSR 2020 2023
21 April 2023

SDS report outlines climate change progress

SDS report outlines climate change progress

Highland Tech Clubs Static
20 April 2023

New tech clubs aim to address shortage of digital skills in Highlands

A critical lack of digital skills in the Highland economy is to be tackled with the creation of a new series of tech clubs across the region.

Phil Ford1
04 April 2023

Hunt For New Chair Of National Digital Skills Group

Hunt For New Chair Of National Digital Skills Group

School Leaver Destination Stats Feb
28 February 2023

Initial School Leaver Destinations published

The Scottish Government has released the latest Initial School Leaver Destinations for 2021/22 showing 95.7% of leavers were in an initial positive destination compared to 95.5% in 2020/21.

Ge Caledonian Viktoria Parkhamovich 027 Small
21 February 2023

Apprenticeships boosting tax take and employer training

Public investment in apprenticeships is fuelling investment in training from employers and tax revenues in Scotland.

Ders For Sds
21 February 2023

Serving up SDS support

SDS secures Defence Employer Recognition Scheme Bronze Award

L To R Ros Wardman Eilidh Malcolm Dafni Nianiaka Romena Huq
06 February 2023

Scots women urged to branch into forestry careers

Four female forestry workers encouraging others to consider a career in the industry

Web And Social Gaelic Webinar 8223
02 February 2023

First ever national careers event in Gaelic for parents and carers

Skills Development Scotland (SDS)  is offering its first ever national webinar in Gaelic to help parents and carers of pupils considering learning, or currently studying the language.

Web And Social Gaelic Webinar 8223 1
02 February 2023

A’ chiad tachartas dhreuchdan ann an Gàidhlig do phàrantan is luchd-cùraim

Tha Leasachadh Sgilean na h-Alba (SDS) a’ tabhann a’ chiad oideachadh-lìn aca a-riamh ann an Gàidhlig gus cuideachadh a thoirt do phàrantan is luchd-cùraim sgoilearan a tha a’ beachdachadh air an cànan ionnsachadh no a tha ag ionnsachadh a’ chànain gu làithreach.

Girls Do Science Will Take Place At Sds Digital Studio In Inverness
30 January 2023

Former SpaceX Director Helps 'Girls Do Science' In Inverness

Former SpaceX Director Catriona Chambers returns home to Inverness to inspire young girls about science.