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Jennifer Kolonko
18 August 2023

Nominations open for the Scottish Apprenticeship Awards

Nominations open for the Scottish Apprenticeship Awards

Exam Helpline 8822 2695
01 August 2023

Taic ga thabhach do chòrr air 144,000 sgoilear ann an Alba le an toraidhean, ann an 2023

Tha sgoilearan na h-Alba gu bhith a’ faotainn toraidhean nan deuchainnean Àrd-Ìre, Nàiseanta agus Sàr Àrd-Ìre air 8mh Lùnastal 2023.

Exam Helpline 8822 5181
26 July 2023

More than 144,000 Scottish pupils offered help with their 2023 results

Scottish pupils are set to receive their full Higher, National and Advanced results on the 8th August 2023, and SDS' expert careers advisers will be on hand to help.

Bonaccordaccountancy Sarahsandison 0001
21 July 2023

Survey seeks sector feedback to develop apprenticeships

Survey seeks sector feedback to develop apprenticeships

Tanya Howden At Hearts Fc 9322 2394
10 July 2023

Teaching Bursary now includes Gaelic subjects

Teaching Bursary now includes Gaelic subjects

Tanya Howden At Hearts Fc 9322 2394
10 July 2023

Bursaraidh Teagaisg a-nis a’ gabhail a-steach cuspairean

Bursaraidh Teagaisg a-nis a’ gabhail a-steach cuspairean

1850 5 Mywow Homepage Content Block Lburnett 0620 725 524Px
04 July 2023

Results Helpline 2023 - help us spread the word!

Almost 145,000 school pupils and students across Scotland will receive their SQA results on Tuesday 8 August 2023

Frank Mitchell Sds001
28 June 2023

Scottish Government post-school education and skills reform

The actions are part of the initial priorities set out in the publication of Purpose and Principles for Post-School Education and Skills.

Hinks 210322 Sds Bishopbriggs Large2 57
28 June 2023

What drives young people’s career ambitions?

Almost half of Scotland’s school leavers say a lack of confidence and a lack of work experience are key barriers to their future careers.

Skills Development Scotland Julie Ann Murray 0025 1
23 June 2023

Survey seeks sector feedback to develop Land use apprenticeships

The views of those working in Scotland’s Land use sector are needed to support the development of apprenticeships for the industry.