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Skills Development Scotland produces a range of statistics about its programmes and activities.


Skills Development Scotland collects and analyses data on our programmes and activities. This area has been designed to make a selection of relevant reports and information publicly available.

What's new - latest statistics 

Modern Apprenticeships Quarter 4 statistics - published 21 May

Modern Apprenticeships Quarter 4 supplementary tables - published 21 May

2023 Annual Participation Measure statistics and interactive report - published 29 August

Foundation Apprenticeships Report 2022

Foundation Apprenticeships supplementary tables

Graduate Apprenticeship Annual Report 2022 - published 20 December

Graduate Apprenticeship supplementary tables 2022 - published 20 December

Interim Participation Snapshot – Published 23 May

Employability Fund Quarter 4 statistics - published 23 May

Code of Practice

SDS has been a producer of Official Statistics since December 2019. We follow the Code of Practice for Statistics.

The Code of Practice for Statistics is based on three pillars:

  • Trustworthiness – through commitments to clear, orderly publication of statistics
  • Quality – of outputs
  • Value – of the insight provided

The public value of statistics is at the heart of the Code. By complying with the Code, SDS demonstrates that:

  • We are ethical and honest in using any data
  • We have a strong culture of professional analysis
  • We respect evidence
  • We are open and transparent about the strengths and limitations of our statistics
  • We communicate accurately, clearly and impartially
  • We are committed to engaging publicly to understand user needs

For further information, read the Code of Practice for Statistics here.

On the left you can search for statistics by programme and you can access our future publications schedule for statistics.

Contact us if you have feedback or questions about any aspect of our statistics.

Useful links

Scottish Government statistics - For statistics on a wide range of topics, including labour market and lifelong learning

Labour Market Intelligence Reports - Published by Skills Development Scotland

Research and Evaluation - published by Skills Development Scotland

Regional Skills Assessment Data Matrix