News & events
Read the latest updates from Skills Development Scotland. Explore stories by selecting the categories to filter.

New location for the career service in Peterhead
Skills Development Scotland (SDS) is changing location in Peterhead as part of a drive to help more people through closer partnership working.

SDS Chair to join board of GB Energy
Skills Development Chair Frank Mitchell is to join the start-up board of Great British Energy.

National campaign to show apprenticeships are Made for Business
People and employers across Scotland are supporting a national campaign to show the benefits apprenticeships bring to business.

Career that changed thousands of lives
Stornoway man, Willie Macleod, who helped thousands of people shape their future has retired after 43 years in the careers service.

New Scottish apprenticeship to widen access to careers in Social Work
A new degree level apprenticeship is to be launched in Scotland in a national drive to improve access into Social Work careers and support the sector’s skills demand.

New initiative aims to boost Tayside's science workforce
A pioneering £1.9 million initiative is aiming to boost growth and creating career pathways for Tayside's science sector.

New locations for the career service in Edinburgh
Residents in Edinburgh will soon benefit from changes to the career service in the city

Delivering Scotland’s Career Service 2023/24 published today
SDS has now published its annual report on its 2023/24 delivery of its Career Information, Advice and Guidance services

Young Scots looking to jobs in health, creative industries and engineering
11,000 young people share career aspirations in Skills Development Scotland research.

SDS and SABC partnership
Strengthening engagement with minority ethnic employers