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Education Team

What we do

Skills Development Scotland’s Education team supports teachers, other practitioners, parents and a wider range of partners across Scotland to play their complementary roles in delivering young people’s entitlement to a meaningful career education. One that equips them with the skills, confidence and knowledge needed to make smart choices and take control of their future learning and careers.  

This is ever more important in an increasingly complex and fast changing world.  

How we help

Professional learning

We offer a range of high-quality professional learning that explores why career education matters, essential career related themes and practical approaches to incorporating these into learning across the curriculum.

Partner support and resources

My World of Work has a wealth of information and tools for young people, partners and parents, with tools for learners, lesson plans and learning resources in the partner area. The Education team offers support to partners to build confidence in accessing and using these resources.

DYW and employer engagement

We’re working with Scotland’s regional DYW groups to connect businesses with education. One way we do this is through Marketplace, the online tool connecting schools and colleges with businesses. Schools and colleges use Marketplace to bring industry to life for young people and all activities are underpinned by a School Employer Partnership Framework.

Education Team Stats

SDS meta-skills toolkit

Through consultation with educators and other partners a suite of resources has been developed to support practitioners embed meta-skills in a manageable and sustainable way across the curriculum.

** NEW FOR JUNE 2024 - Lesson Plans **

** NEW FOR JUNE 2024 - Embedding Skills Audit Tool **

Meta Skills Toolkit

Education Team Professional Learning national programme of online events 2023-2024 booking calendar

2023-24 calendar of events is available to book here.


Developing the Young Workforce Sector LMI Series 2024

2024 calendar of events is available to book.

These events are organised by SDS for DYW, teachers, partners and SDS staff.

Opens in a new window DYW Sector Series 2024 Interactive Calendar

Contact the Education Team

Contact the Education team to discuss your requirements and how we can support you in your ambitions around career education.

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