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Read the latest updates from Skills Development Scotland. Explore stories by selecting the categories to filter.

VR Belladrum
23 July 2024

SDS Headlines Belladrum Music Festival

Skills Development Scotland (SDS) is “headlining” the Boffinarium attraction at the Belladrum Tartan Heart Festival this year.

A small boy in a high vis jacket sits in the middle of the picture wearing a VR headset, while his brother and SDS team member look on.
25 June 2024

Planting the seeds for future careers

Virtual reality is giving young Scots the chance to experience agriculture careers in the classroom. Skills Development Scotland and The Royal Highland Education Trust have teamed up to open up the possibilities of agriculture careers for pupils.

SDS Drones At Our Lady's High Cumbernauld Pupils Dani Rab And Josh Mcintyre 3
22 January 2024

Every high school in North Lanarkshire lands drones careers sessions

Wide range of potential future construction careers showcased as part of Future Fridays partnership

Skills Development Scotland Mina Ahmed Sds Rosshall Academy006
24 October 2023

Event to share latest career insight from young Scots

Event to share latest career insight from young Scots

Exam Helpline 8822 2695
01 August 2023

Taic ga thabhach do chòrr air 144,000 sgoilear ann an Alba le an toraidhean, ann an 2023

Tha sgoilearan na h-Alba gu bhith a’ faotainn toraidhean nan deuchainnean Àrd-Ìre, Nàiseanta agus Sàr Àrd-Ìre air 8mh Lùnastal 2023.

Exam Helpline 8822 5181
26 July 2023

More than 144,000 Scottish pupils offered help with their 2023 results

Scottish pupils are set to receive their full Higher, National and Advanced results on the 8th August 2023, and SDS' expert careers advisers will be on hand to help.

Tanya Howden At Hearts Fc 9322 2394
10 July 2023

Teaching Bursary now includes Gaelic subjects

Teaching Bursary now includes Gaelic subjects

Tanya Howden At Hearts Fc 9322 2394
10 July 2023

Bursaraidh Teagaisg a-nis a’ gabhail a-steach cuspairean

Bursaraidh Teagaisg a-nis a’ gabhail a-steach cuspairean

20230602 Minecraft For Careers Web
05 June 2023

Exploring future careers with Minecraft

Explore future careers within the popular game, Minecraft

Mywow Logo For News Piece
31 May 2023

Building the foundations for lasting change

Changes and improvements coming to My World of Work