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11 September 2023

Apprenticeship Approvals Groups - Chair's End of Year Report 2023

Employers Apprenticeships Scottish Apprenticeship Advisory Board (SAAB)

The industry-led body which reviews and approves all Scottish Apprenticeships - the  Apprenticeship Approvals Group (AAG) - has published its Chair’s End of Year Report for 2023

The annual report provides an overview of the key highlights and successes of the group, as it continues to be firmly established as a part of the governance system for apprenticeships in Scotland. 

This is the fourth annual report from the Apprenticeships Approvals Group, delivered by Ruth Jennings of Sainsbury’s who has provided employer leadership, as the group’s Chair, since its creation in 2019. 

Aag Members
I'm delighted to deliver my fourth annual report, reflect upon the progress we have made in the past year, and celebrate our achievements. We’ve placed a huge focus on quality assurance and continuous improvement, through introducing a new approach which allows members to check in and feedback, much earlier in the apprenticeship development lifecycle. This has helped to streamline our processes.
Ruth Jennings Picture

Ruth Jennings

Skills Development Programmes Manager - Sainsbury’s

Ruth Jennings Picture

“With a wealth of knowledge behind us, and the support of a vast network of industry leaders and employers through the Scottish Apprenticeship Advisory Board (SAAB), qualifications experts, training providers, policy officials and trade unions, we hope that the value in our work is recognised - and will continue to be for years to come. I believe that having employers at the heart of the design, development and approval of apprenticeships is the only way to ensure that they remain relevant and able to serve their purpose - to provide high-value jobs to people, and the right skills for businesses.” 

Ruth Jennings is also an active member of the Scottish Apprenticeship Advisory Board’s Standards and Frameworks Group, which provides leadership to the AAG as its governing body.