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16+ Data Hub

Sharing data to help young people

By sharing information among key partners we want to provide tailored support to young people when they leave school, specifically those who are not moving on to learning or work. No matter where they are or end up, we want to give them a safety net – and reduce youth unemployment at the same time.

We’re doing this through the 16+ Data Hub, which is linking up the work going on across Scotland to help our young people find positive, sustained destinations after their secondary school education.

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Data sharing in Scotland


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Opportunities for All

Data sharing forms a key pillar around the Opportunities for All policy agenda, which promises to offer training or education to every 16 to 19-year-old in Scotland as they move towards employment.

We want to ensure every young person has the opportunity to receive all the relevant support available to them. This approach includes providing regular contact with SDS careers advisers.

Having a complete set of data supplied by a range of partners enables front line staff to provide more effective, targeted support to those not in learning, training or employment and who are at risk of disengagement.

It is crucial that the right support is in place for this age group as they move through each transition in education, training or employment. Effective information sharing between partners allows for quick identification and engagement with any young person who has not secured a positive destination after school, who has failed to complete a course of learning/training or who is not in employment.

16+ Data Hub 

The 16+ Data Hub is a secure online portal which allows a range of partners including Skills Development Scotland (SDS) to input to and access a combined database of information on individuals as outlined in the legislation requirements.

The hub holds information on 16 to 24-year-olds that can be shared securely between partners, including Local Authorities, Colleges, the Scottish Funding Council, the Student Awards Agency for Scotland and the Department for Work and Pensions.

The details held in a central area include expected school leaving dates, where young people intend to go after school, whether this be into a job, Modern Apprenticeship, college or university, and information on those who are receiving career services and welfare benefits.


Data sharing infographic

Download our infographic which explains the ins and outs of data sharing in Scotland and the benefits for young people and partners. 

Download the information sharing infographic
Information Sharing Graphic

The Participation Measure

The Scottish Government and SDS have developed a new Participation Measure to support the overall ambitions within Opportunities for All. The aim of the measure is to show the current activity that 16 to 19-year-olds are participating in at a national and local authority level. 

It will allow an assessment of the impact and support provided by partner agencies on the 16-19 age group. This will help young people access the support, learning and training they need as they move towards employment. You can view the latest report here.

Information sharing is a positive step forward as we try to help young people into a positive destination who might otherwise not have been identified to us.

Brian Wallace

Partnership Manager, Department for Work and Pensions

What's next?

Our case studies show the work being done across the country.

Case studies