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Inclusive talent pool

Our Goal 

Talent is diverse and resilient, with people who can all adapt and thrive in the changing world of work.

Our customer commitment

We will help you navigate the changing world of work throughout your life.

The outcomes we want to achieve

  • Young people have improved participation and smoother post-school transitions
  • People facing redundancy remain in, or secure alternative, employment
  • More working-age people living in Scotland participate in the labour market
  • The working-age population in Scotland increases through the attraction and retention of talent
  • Scotland’s workforce better reflects the full diversity of the population.
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To achieve this goal, by 2027, we will:

Equip people with the skills they need to prepare for, plan and manage rewarding careers throughout their lives

  • Continue to deliver Scotland’s Career Service through person-centred coaching guidance, digital and telephone services
  • Reimagine our approach to CIAG delivery, including through our digital services, aligned to a new career development model and changes in customer needs and preferences
  • Work with strategic partners to provide a simplified and coherent digital user experience.

Provide engaging and relevant career intelligence, education and experiences that help inform individual learning and career choices

  • Work with partners to expand and embed work-integrated experiences at earlier stages of the curriculum, including career education and Foundation Apprenticeships, providing students with an enriched exposure to the world of work
  • Work with partners to enhance and share career intelligence that enables a personalised and curated approach to supporting people when making decisions
  • Equip parents, carers and teachers, as key influencers, to support their young people in making intelligence-based learning and career choices.

Address known barriers to participation and deliver person-centred services which support all customers to pursue the learning and work they choose

  • Enhance our approaches to ensuring all SDS customers receive person-centred career services
  • Work with regional, local and community partners to ensure people have access to consistent national career services, with community-integrated delivery and clear alignment to social justice values
  • Continue to work with a wide range of equality partners, including the third sector, to understand and address barriers to participation in learning and work, such as poverty, discrimination, and intersectional impact.

Contribute to Scotland’s ambition to grow the size and diversity of the available talent pool

  • With Scottish Government, the enterprise agencies, and our regional economic partners, support the implementation of NSET actions to attract and retain talent, including the development and implementation of a Talent Attraction and Migration Service for Scotland
  • Work with LEPs and other partners to help economically inactive individuals who wish to return to work to do so, including through ‘No-one Left Behind’ provision
  • Through the development of entrepreneurial skills, support people to create their own employment opportunities.
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John Scott has finished his Foundation Apprenticeship in Creative Digital Media and has moved on to do an HNC.