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Impactful organisation

Our Goal 

Team SDS maximises return on investment, collaborating to deliver better outcomes and experiences for our customers, colleagues, and the economy.

Our customer commitment

We will be clear on how we’re using public money, and make sure it’s delivering for you.

The outcomes we want to achieve

  • SDS uses data to effectively drive decisions
  • SDS has increased productivity
  • SDS has a diverse workforce and inclusive workplace culture
  • SDS remains an employer of choice, attracting, developing and retaining talent
  • SDS demonstrates improved public value and return on investment.
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To achieve this goal, by 2027 we will:

Attract, nurture, and retain a diverse team that share and achieve our ambitions, demonstrating fair work practices

  • Ensure that SDS is able to attract and retain the best talent, by maintaining attractive employee terms and conditions, and continuing to enhance our employee experience, including lessons learned from working through the pandemic
  • Develop leadership capability at all levels of the organisation, with a continued focus on inspiring and sustaining employee engagement and productivity
  • Implement a skills development framework to enable reskilling and upskilling across a range of SDS career pathways with a particular focus on data and digital skills
  • Sustain our focus and commitment on building a culture of fair work, inclusion, and wellbeing, including specific action to become an anti-racist organisation.

Transform our use of system-wide data, intelligence, and customer voice to deliver better customer outcomes

  • Further enhance and integrate our insight and intelligence capability to better inform our services, customers, and partners
  • Build and strengthen a common evidence base to inform dynamic skills planning provision
  • Further develop our outcome and impact measures to support effective evaluation and continuous improvement of our services
  • Develop an approach to the co-design of products and services which amplifies and embeds the voice and lived experience of our customers.

Continue to enhance our digital capability in ways which drive organisational productivity and customer experience

  • Work with public sector partners to adopt innovative ways of using shared technology across the sector to drive productivity
  • Adopt best in class data architecture, systems and storage capability to support our ambitions for data-led, person-centred service delivery
  • Continue to enhance our digital capability to support innovation in working practices, including the streamlining and automation of business processes.

Steward our resources efficiently and effectively, ensuring that SDS is a resilient and sustainable organisation

  • Review, align and transform our organisational capability to deliver against our strategic ambitions
  • Introduce an integrated approach to portfolio prioritisation and annual planning to ensure a sustained focus on strategic priorities
  • Retain high levels of business resilience and adaptability, including in key areas such as cyber security
  • Demonstrate propriety and value for money in the management of public finances, including the management of the SDS estate
  • Further evolve our approaches to change management, continuous improvement, quality, and business excellence
  • Transition towards becoming a net-zero organisation, through delivery of the SDS Climate Change Strategy 2020-2030.
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