Our digital web services
We are committed to delivering our services as innovatively, effectively and efficiently as possible.
Recognising the many benefits technology can bring to our customers, we continue, where appropriate, to take a ‘digital first’ approach to developing our services. Our websites are tailored to our different customers, offering specific support, advice and guidance for that audience.
My World of Work
Our career information advice and guidance service in schools and beyond is supported by our web service My World of Work. The website offers career suggestions tailored to individual users and practical tools and advice to help users get the job they want.
My World of Work has information, advice and resources for:

Scottish apprenticeships are the key to creating confident, qualified employees with the skills employers need. Apprenticeships.scot supports young people who would like to become apprentices with detailed information on the Apprenticeship family and a search function to look for their ideal opportunity. It also offers advice and support for employers looking to take on an apprentice.
SDS Employer Hub
Businesses need skilled people to grow. The SDS Employer Hub helps employers to find and access skills support for their business. It includes free advice, skills planning, HR support and funding - alongside information to help businesses engage with education.

An online tool developed in partnership with Developing the Young Workforce (DYW) connecting schools and colleges with business. Employers can add opportunities to Marketplace such as workplace visits and talks. Educators can then search for opportunities posted by employers.