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Read the latest updates from Skills Development Scotland. Explore stories by selecting the categories to filter.

Jenni Emmanuel  1
21 May 2024

More young Scots earning through apprenticeships

The Modern Apprenticeship (MA) statistics for 2023-24 have been published.

SY Scottish Apprenticeship Awards0119
08 March 2024

Butcher Marc is a cut above as he’s named Scotland’s Apprentice of the Year

A craft butcher from Falkirk who credits his apprenticeship with changing his life has been named as Scotland’s Apprentice of the Year.

Fiaz Khan
04 March 2024

#ScotAppWeek24 Blog: Fiaz Khan, CEMVO Scotland

Fiaz Khan, Race Equality Mainstream Officer at CEMVO Scotland, highlights a partnership with SDS aimed at improving understanding of race equality to support apprenticeship recruitment.

Front Cover
23 January 2024

Systemic change needed to stop care experienced young people missing out on apprenticeships

Employer-led report calls for change to spending on benefits, housing and wages

MA For The Day Females In Male Dominated Industry
24 November 2023

Shetland pupils become apprentices for the day

Young Shetlanders experienced the benefits of Modern Apprenticeships in a project aimed at tackling gender stereotypes in work.

Plumbing Social Red
01 November 2023

Insight from Scotland’s plumbing workforce needed in apprenticeship skills consultation

Plumbing trade association SNIPEF and SDS need the sector's workforce to get involved in the redevelopment of the industry's apprenticeship.

Julie Ann Murray
04 September 2023

Search is on to find Scotland’s top apprentices

Nominations are open for the Scottish Apprenticeship Awards in a nationwide search to find Scotland’s Apprentice of the Year.

Bonaccordaccountancy Sarahsandison 0001
21 July 2023

Survey seeks sector feedback to develop apprenticeships

Survey seeks sector feedback to develop apprenticeships

Scotappweek Fm And Apps With Board
07 March 2022

Delivering a quality workforce with apprenticeships

Apprentices are delivering a well-qualified workforce and addressing skills gaps in the NHS, First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said at the launch of #ScotAppWeek22.

Thales Samir Khan Young 101
12 January 2022

Celebrating 20 years of the Scottish Apprenticeship Awards

Finalists for the Scottish Apprenticeship Awards – co-ordinated by Skills Development Scotland – have been revealed, with one worthy winner set to be crowned the country’s apprentice of the year.