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23 March 2022

Teachers to get inspired My World of Work Live activities


Primary and secondary teachers are invited to join Skills Development Scotland’s My Word of Work (My WoW) Live team for an informative, and fun, introduction to the popular offer.

My WoW Live is a set of fun, interactive activities that inspire young people, helping them understand future careers and opportunities in Scotland’s key sectors – including STEM industries.It is designed for young people between P5 and S6 and can be experienced through live events in schools and online through virtual sessions.

Teachers will be given an in-depth overview of the My WoW Live offer and its various dynamic activities before trying out the Cracking Cryptography lesson. Demand is likely to be high and the team will run two sessions to accommodate all those interested. The dates are:

  • Tue 7 June, 4:00 – 5:00pm
  • Thu 16 June, 2:00 – 3:00pm

Teachers need only attend one of the two sessions and can register through Eventbrite. Any questions from teachers or those in the education sector should be emailed to

20220322 My Wow Live Sessions For Teacher Connect Square

Looking ahead to the sessions, My WoW Live Programme Manager, Sharon Morrow said:

“My World of Work Live has gone from strength to strength and we’re now able to deliver experiential activities, bringing the world of work to life, to young people right across the country. We’ve had positive feedback from both teachers and young people so we hope these sessions will extend our reach further into schools that haven’t engaged with us before.”

Learn more