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24 February 2022

Updated Monthly Participation Snapshot published

SDS has today published an update to the Monthly Participation Snapshot.


SDS has today published an update to the Monthly Participation Snapshot

The snapshot provides a picture of the learning, training or work status of Scotland’s young people. As SDS now receives Universal Credit data from DWP, the snapshot has been expanded to cover 16-19-year-olds. 

This management information helps SDS and other partners to ensure we are doing all that we can to support the future plans of young people across the country and enables Scottish Government to better understand the impact of the current economic crisis on the youth labour market. 

The information is drawn from SDS’s CSS dataset which, with data feeds from statutory data sharing partners, is maintained as a shared dataset on behalf of Scottish Government. The dataset is the source of regular management information to data sharing partners on the education, training and employment status of 16-19-year-olds in Scotland via the 16+ Data Hub, and is the source of the Annual Participation Measure, a key indicator in the National Performance Framework. 

The interactive report is produced using data collected by SDS and a range of partners, including local authorities, colleges, the Student Award Agency for Scotland, the Department for Work and Pensions and the Scottish Funding Council, which is shared through the 16+ Data Hub.  

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