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Recommendation 5: Community-based services

Career services should be delivered within communities in a way that is aligned to social justice values and provides access to consistent national services.

I know that within my community there are people who I trust to help me explore careers and I have access to the same chances as everyone else.

- The outcome of this change for a young person using career services

Why has this been recommended? What did the evidence say? 

  • There are persistent challenges for those who are disengaged from traditional education. The formal service doesn’t feel accessible to them 
  • The right support at the right time can make a big difference to life chances 
  • Many young people didn’t see themselves represented in career services. They’re more likely to talk to people who understand them, their community, and their lived experience 
  • ‘Communities’ may be geographic or represent those with lived experience of protected characteristics and other equality factors, or members who share a similar interest.  
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 The change 

  • Career services are available within and through the communities with which young people identify. Those involved in delivery are trusted by their community 
  • Services are accessible and approachable and able to relate to the situation and needs of those who may otherwise be disengaged 
  • Services are designed and delivered to meet the needs of those with lived experience of protected characteristics and other equality factors e.g. disability, care experience and poverty. Services are sensitive to gender, race, religion/belief and LGBT+ identities 
  • Local Employability Partnerships (LEPs) ensure that relevant partners are involved, services are integrated, and investment meets the needs of individuals and the economy 
  • Formal career services work in strong collaboration with LEPs to deliver career information, advice and guidance leading to an improved learner journey.

How it addresses inequalities 

All communities, needs and values are appreciated, understood and accepted so there will be fair and equitable career services. 

Download the Career Review Equality Impact Assessment 

What happens next? 

The Career Review Implementation Plan and Target Operating Model will: 

  • outline how career services will work with communities to find the best way to introduce services consistent with the Career Development Model 
  • include the approach to be taken to ensure that insight and innovation from community service provision is fed back into the development of all future career services. 

The Career Review Implementation Plan will: 

  • set out how approaches to enable greater access to career services within communities will be developed 
  • outline how existing skillsets in third sector organisations can be built on to provide and enhance career-related services 
  • detail how community services will be supported to co-deliver, connect and facilitate access to broader career services to meet the needs of the young person, consistent with the Career Development Model. 

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